Saturday, March 28, 2009

Longing To Visit Spain Again

Sometimes something new and creative can be a little scary, but we need to dive in and do it. Creating a blog was something I had never thought of, and here I am writing again. My friend who helped me at first is always at hand to help. Again this reinforces the ideas of connections. Each day seems to bring a new connection. When I arrived home last evening there was a blinking at the telephone telling me I had a message. How wonderful! The person calling said she had just completed my book, FINALLY AWAKE and had to call to tell me how much she enjoyed it. She felt the descriptions of village life were particularly colorful. When I heard that I wanted to race back to Spain for a long visit. How blessed I have been with all my trips to that wonderful country. I want to have everyone love it, too. Maybe that is why the book came about. Awaking the world to what is out there gives me a good feeling.

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