Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Imaginary Associate

Well, I did it. Recently I was wandering through the library looking for a really good book. A novel written in Spanish caught my eye. The author was one I had not heard of--Jenaro Prieto. This book titled EL SOCIO drew my interest so I took it home. What a book! Many times throughout my reading I had to chuckle, and yes I did need to look up some words in the dictionary. What was so wonderful was the grand conclusion. A character that is created in the imagination can never die. He lives on forever. Pondering this I realized the truth of it. In my own book FINALLY AWAKE I loved many of the characters. They will live on.
Prieto develops a character, Julian, who has an imaginary associate. By pretending to have this associate, Julian can always put off decisions by telling his business partners he has to confer with his associate. He gets mired into deeper and deeper lies. Thus, just as a writer imagines his characters, they always exist. Julian is in the same state.He can't ever get rid of his associate.
Perhaps to slow down our thinking and decision making in this fast moving world we should create our own associate. That would certainly be a connection.

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