Wednesday, May 27, 2009

School is Out

Time goes too quickly. Today was the last day for tutoring this year. The connections I had with my two boys has been wonderful. I have always had faith in the younger generation, but these boys really solidify it. Each is courteous and appreciative of what I do for them. It seems to come naturally to them because they show it without a parent being around. How blessed I am to have facility with Spanish so that I can help them. Never did I dream when I majored in the language that it would carry me this far. Each footstep along the way connected to the next one. Soon I will need to get all of the steps down for my readers and also for myself. My life proves that a guiding principle is in charge at all times.

Monday, May 25, 2009


My daughter has returned home after a whirlwind visit, the center of which was my granddaughter's graduation from University of California at Berkeley.It was a family connection from the start, all of us so proud of Kate who graduated with honors in her field, geology. She is called the Rock Girl, a most appropriate name for her. Soon she will be off to an internship in her field for the summer. All of us swell with pride. What I look forward to is her being here on a summer's day just "hanging out" as she says she plans to do. I am one lucky grandmother.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Where does the time go? When it speeds by, it should be a signal to slow down and become aware of the present moment. We ignore those warnings and go back to reading our "to do" lists. Recently I have been captivated by a book, COMING TO OUR SENSES by Jon Kabat-Zinn. His principle theme is awareness One can become aware of each moment, and I swear time sometimes stands still. In becoming aware my life has been enriched, my breathing is deeper, and great peace takes over. Believe me it isn't exactly like meditation; it is just becoming aware and appreciating what is transpiring. This awareness makes me realize again how we are connected to the great all power along with everyone else. Think of how the world could and would change if we all started watching each moment.