Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

     Easter Sunday today, a day of Love, I suppose. But, and that is a long but, I'm tired of the huggy kind of thing that so many people do. It's a false demonstration for many. Why in the world does someone who is a plain ordinary American want to hug someone he has met once and with whom he has exchanged about two words? Are we trying to bring something from another culture into our good old American culture? Maybe I just want to complain. What I do want is just plain honesty and not a put on show.
     Now that the above is out of my system I can go on to other things, like the New York Times. I get the Sunday edition and spend the following week reading the whole thing. It is a wonderful feeling to have a cup of coffee to sip as I turn the crinkly pages. Will that be gone soon? I hope not.
     Let's have a toast to this day. I will go to the kitchen and find my bag of See's small chocolate eggs,pop one into my mouth and sweeten my attitude.

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