Friday, August 16, 2013

Instructions to Myself

     With too much time, I can wonder what to do. Perhaps I have too many choices, so consistently  I only do little bits here and there. As I have often said, and many times contradicted by my friends, "I am a woman of many interests and few talents."
     What is talent? Do we all have it? Yes, I believe a healthy curiosity will expose a hidden attraction to something each of us can excel in, and if not excel, at least enjoy what we do with the interest.
     Life is wonderful! I decided that some time ago and probably restate the thought some time of each day. Choose anything and make it positive. Learn to care about anything that comes to mind. Keep active in body and mind Don't listen to the ones who may say,"Why would you do that?" or those that say "You have too much energy. Slow down." Do what your heart tells you to do, and follow each word of wisdom that comes to mind. Be your own unique self.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Early Morning in a Small Woods

     I simply have to tell anyone who will listen that indeed we do have a bit of a woods here in Belvedere and Tiburon. This morning, very early--yes it was 6AM--I walked on over to the club to do an early workout. I took the shortcut that takes me past wetland saved for wildlife and there I was alone. Yes, one could imagine one walking through a real forest, for in the quietness I heard birdsongs. How fortunate I am to have fantastic surroundings, quietness for thought, and a delicious fog to keep me cool. I love it and want everyone to share it.
     Come take my hand. Be careful where the big tree has spread its roots, and don't forget to use the smooth railings some dear soul constructed. Whoops! You almost had that branch hit your face. Believe it or not, after the workout we return the same way but have a reward---a hot cup of coffee brewed by Uan at the club.
     What a beginning.