Friday, August 16, 2013

Instructions to Myself

     With too much time, I can wonder what to do. Perhaps I have too many choices, so consistently  I only do little bits here and there. As I have often said, and many times contradicted by my friends, "I am a woman of many interests and few talents."
     What is talent? Do we all have it? Yes, I believe a healthy curiosity will expose a hidden attraction to something each of us can excel in, and if not excel, at least enjoy what we do with the interest.
     Life is wonderful! I decided that some time ago and probably restate the thought some time of each day. Choose anything and make it positive. Learn to care about anything that comes to mind. Keep active in body and mind Don't listen to the ones who may say,"Why would you do that?" or those that say "You have too much energy. Slow down." Do what your heart tells you to do, and follow each word of wisdom that comes to mind. Be your own unique self.

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