Tuesday, November 10, 2009


How could I possibly let so much time go by without making connections with all--I mean all of my readers. Many of you have probably dropped off, and I don't blame you.

Last Saturday I attended a concert with Peter Allen conducting some of his new music. Yes, the music was fantastic, but I was taken with the goals and ideals of the outfit that sponsored the program--Land Paths. Land Paths is located in Sonoma County in California. Its primary goal is to have urban residents make a real connection to nature through hikes and education. They have developed an outdoor education program for school children that is a gift for the children. Now they are extending their ideas to eating healthy foods that are grown near their own homes. This community effort of planting has made further connections with members of the community. I wish they would come to Marin County.

More and more the world is realizing how interconnected all of us are. The connection comes through music, conversations, group projects. I could go on forever, but we all know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One Power

My head hangs low. How could I neglect posting a blog for so long is beyond belief. Connections go on and I simply have not seen them. But this past Sunday when I was at a memorial service at the Jewish temple all kinds of things came to thought. First, the scriptures read by the rabbi were so familiar to me even though I am a Christian. This pointed out clearly that there is only one God for all of us. We may worship differently, but it is to the same all knowing power.

Afterwards it was wonderful to run into friends I had not seen in so long and to catch up on family members. In other words I reconnected. The death of Joan was tragic, but all had to agree it was a time to reconnect, as she would have wanted it. It had always been her request that people should celebrate her life and not mourn her leaving.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Magical Universe

I guess the question is--Why have a blog if you are not going to write in it at least every couple of days? So now I will attempt. The first item I want to mention is how keeping an open heart and mind can reap wonderful blessings to the one with the open heart. Last Saturday I met an outstanding young woman to whom I was so drawn I had to speak. Who had provided this meeting? Was It a greater source than I? Once again was it a way of reinforcing my belief that each of us in this magical universe is connected to all within. That belief or fact really solidifies the reason that man can only give love and understanding to his fellow man.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


How can this have happened? I promised myself that I would try to write a post at least every other day, but I have failed. One thing I realize, however, is not to get after myself and worry all day. Each of us must do the best we can and leave it at that. Last night was exciting. My sweet friend, Todd, who is visiting me from Scottsdale, and I went to dinner with our friends Marilyn and Don from the city. I took Marilyn a copy of FINALLY AWAKE and she was absolutely thrilled. In fact the dinner became a celebration for having published my second book. Such sweet people, a connection I don't want to break. Marilyn should write herself. She always says she wants to, but she does nothing about it. Who makes the final push that puts us on the way to a project? Providence? Tell me. Think about it and let me know.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lost City Z

It's time to make another connection. This time I want to connect you to a sensational book, a true story about Percy Fawcett who was looking for the lost city of Z way down in the Amazon. This occurred at the turn of the century and on. David Grann who wrote this fascinating book writes for The New Yorker.The research he did boggles the mind! I was stunned that so many people kept getting involved in looking for this so-called city especially after Fawcett never returned from his last trip. The title of the book is THE LOST CITY OF Z. Read it an let me know what you think. Because I love South America the story particularly spoke to me. The ending makes one feel differently about the theory that the forerunners of the indians in the western hemisphere came over the Bering Straits. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Words About Scotland

Scotland has been left behind, but the wonderful memories linger on. The Richard Martin family could not have been more hospitable. The weather cooperated with only one serious rain which stopped after an hour. After a week in Edinburgh we journeyed to the cottage in the Highlands. The landscape was spectacular with rugged outcroppings of granite all over, sheep softening things here and there.
Connections were made with so many people. The Scottish people are warm and ready at any moment to party. At first the accent was difficult to understand, but soon I was talking like them--fast and with the stress on words so different from American English. I feel so blessed to have been part of everyday life.
The highlight in Edinburgh was Speech Day (graduation) commemorating leaving the 6th Form. I sort of took the place of the grannie. The next big event was a week at the cottage with mussels, prawns, lobster and salmon. How do I count the pounds? I am one lucky lady.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scotland, Here I Come

In a few short hours I will be on my way to Edinburgh, Scotland to visit my dear friends, the Martins and their lovely daughters. I feel blessed to be able to make the trip. It is another case of making connections, for I met Brenda years ago in a gallery. She looked so sad. It was to be her first Christmas away from merry old England. Not to be. Through many different circumstances and upsets we finally became connected and have been friends ever since. This whole incident reinforces the idea that all of us must reach out to one another when we sense a need, or just because we want to. Now I wonder who I might connect with on this trip. One thing that is strong in my mind is that I indeed go with Love and Intelligence guiding me every step of the way. That is my absolutely valid connection and for everyone else, too.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Where does the time go? Do we need to glue ourselves to that particular concept? I find if I just go about my daily activities without thinking of time, more things are accomplished. An example of the constraints of time is the fact it has been such a long interval between the last blog and the one I am working on now. Thinking about time and all I had to do before going on my trip to Scotland kept me from doing what I really wanted to do. Making connections with friends is important to me, but how important? How do we line up in our mind what we should be doing with our time? Or do we even think about it?This is a jumble of thoughts. I know I will have to go back and edit more, but at least I have something down to work on.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Morning Song

What a morning! Early, it must have been around 6:45, I walked over to the club so I could get my exercising finished early. Along the way I became aware of a particular bird song. I stopped to listen more closely. Not able to identify the bird I continued to listen. Now I heard the joy expressed in the bird's song. It sent my heart to the heavens. It crossed my mind that each of us could approach the day with a song in our heart, maybe even sing out loud, just because we are in love with life. That isn't too much to ask of any of us. Nature can teach us so much once more convincing me of the unbreakable connection we have with everything.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

School is Out

Time goes too quickly. Today was the last day for tutoring this year. The connections I had with my two boys has been wonderful. I have always had faith in the younger generation, but these boys really solidify it. Each is courteous and appreciative of what I do for them. It seems to come naturally to them because they show it without a parent being around. How blessed I am to have facility with Spanish so that I can help them. Never did I dream when I majored in the language that it would carry me this far. Each footstep along the way connected to the next one. Soon I will need to get all of the steps down for my readers and also for myself. My life proves that a guiding principle is in charge at all times.

Monday, May 25, 2009


My daughter has returned home after a whirlwind visit, the center of which was my granddaughter's graduation from University of California at Berkeley.It was a family connection from the start, all of us so proud of Kate who graduated with honors in her field, geology. She is called the Rock Girl, a most appropriate name for her. Soon she will be off to an internship in her field for the summer. All of us swell with pride. What I look forward to is her being here on a summer's day just "hanging out" as she says she plans to do. I am one lucky grandmother.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Where does the time go? When it speeds by, it should be a signal to slow down and become aware of the present moment. We ignore those warnings and go back to reading our "to do" lists. Recently I have been captivated by a book, COMING TO OUR SENSES by Jon Kabat-Zinn. His principle theme is awareness One can become aware of each moment, and I swear time sometimes stands still. In becoming aware my life has been enriched, my breathing is deeper, and great peace takes over. Believe me it isn't exactly like meditation; it is just becoming aware and appreciating what is transpiring. This awareness makes me realize again how we are connected to the great all power along with everyone else. Think of how the world could and would change if we all started watching each moment.

Monday, April 27, 2009


How can one become breathless? Last Friday I hiked wonderful Tennessee Valley with a friend. The hills were blue with lupine that wouldn't stop, interspersed with yellow sun cups and orange poppies. That wasn't enough either. Red winged blackbirds decided to put on a show; about six of them were up and down in the air spreading their wings and with their songs begging us to look at them. What a show! This valley is the only place I have ever seen these wonderful creatures.
After many days I once again was connecting with a dear friend. All subjects were on our agenda--art, politics, family, metaphysics, just plain life. We must not let these opportunities go. These are life's connections.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Breath of Life

What a great day. Although I slept later than usual I still was able to get going on my walk by 7AM with my dear friend, Jim. After three warm days the cool crispness in the air was a welcome change. Both of us noticed how much the green hills had turned brown due to the warm weather. That doesn't make them any less beautiful. It is how we view them as in anything we view. Things that may seem ugly always have some kind of interfacing that show some beauty.
My teacher of yoga has awakened me to new ideas,and in particular the importance of proper breathing. Sure, I have realized that to a degree, but now I do even more so. The word inspire comes to mind. We draw in our breath, inspire, thus receiving inspiration. Yes, again we connect to our one source--the breath of Life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Present Moment

Awakening to a beautiful day is all we need in order to love everyone we meet and everything we see. Today was such a day, forcing one to be aware of the beauty always at hand. Too often the "to do list" gets in the way of being in the present moment. So I decided to simply be for most of the afternoon, looking at the water, feeling the breeze, noticing the particular blue of the sky, becoming simply aware of myself and of the connection I have to the wholeness, the energy of which we are all a part. Peace and calmness run through me now, and I rejoice that I gave my attention to something that now only restores me but perhaps gives something to the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Way to Connect

Yesterday was the big bunny day! The weather was fantastic resulting in lots of people out with family and friends enjoying nature. A friend and I went to the nearby beach, one that is surrounded by high hills and some volcanic rock. The wild flowers were in abundance with yellow, blue, white, orange flowers peppering the hills. As we walked there were quiet times to simply meditate on our own thoughts, returning with some words to each other now and then. Down at the beach, we spotted two surfers in wet suits just drifting about with no possibility of a big wave.
Being out in nature pushes thinking and indeed we started to do just that. If energy, or whatever one calls the beginning, always is, then couldn't we catch words of George Washington or any figure from the past? The molecules are bouncing around and we are a part of that energy. Do we need to find other ways to expand our hearing so we can tune into this? It goes with sight, too. Do we have different senses than the five we so generally accept? We live in a two dimensional world, but we know there are other ways to see it. How do we find those ways? There we are again. We need to awaken to all possibilities, and when we really begin to think, we realize we are all One. That in itself is a good reason to connect with as many others as possible, even if it is only a smile or a sparkle in the eye.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Smiling Otto

Who said dogs don't smile? Years ago we had a little brown dachshund named Otto.He was a real favorite of all of us. When I arrived home after teaching all day, Otto would come running down the stairs to greet me, stopping on the third step above the floor. There he would bow and then smile giving me the happiest welcome one could want.
This morning I was reminded of that when I was walking home from the gym, and also reminded of the connection one can make instantly when a dog is around. Coming toward me was a couple with two adorable dachshunds unleashed and trotting along with great abandon. All of us stopped because I needed to comment on the cute little dogs. Yes, they did smile at me when I leaned down to greet each one. When I told the couple we finally had to put Otto down at age 17, they said one of their last ones lived until 18. What joy those little guys give to their owners. Don't tell me they don't know what is going on. That's what the smile means. Try it. Smile at people and see what happens to you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Imaginary Associate

Well, I did it. Recently I was wandering through the library looking for a really good book. A novel written in Spanish caught my eye. The author was one I had not heard of--Jenaro Prieto. This book titled EL SOCIO drew my interest so I took it home. What a book! Many times throughout my reading I had to chuckle, and yes I did need to look up some words in the dictionary. What was so wonderful was the grand conclusion. A character that is created in the imagination can never die. He lives on forever. Pondering this I realized the truth of it. In my own book FINALLY AWAKE I loved many of the characters. They will live on.
Prieto develops a character, Julian, who has an imaginary associate. By pretending to have this associate, Julian can always put off decisions by telling his business partners he has to confer with his associate. He gets mired into deeper and deeper lies. Thus, just as a writer imagines his characters, they always exist. Julian is in the same state.He can't ever get rid of his associate.
Perhaps to slow down our thinking and decision making in this fast moving world we should create our own associate. That would certainly be a connection.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Gift from Giving

What a fruitful day. A friend and I met for breakfast. This friend was in one of my adult Spanish  classes eons ago, and we certainly clicked. There is another connection I can be thankful for. The whole day certainly was devoted to connections, for the next thing I did was to meet a Peruvian friend, one I met a number of years ago. We often meet for lunch and speak Spanish at her request because she thinks her English is so bad. It is great practice for me, but I can never get her to speak English. She has been a US citizen for 15 years but learned only enough English to satisfy requirements. Because she lives with her daughter who speaks Spanish she didn't bother to go on with her English. Strangely enough about two weeks ago when we were having lunch she said she wanted to really learn English, asking me to help her. Today was the first day. I came away so fulfilled because I had helped. She was so appreciative calling me her little Barbarita. What a wonderful feeling to really help. 
The day ended with my usual Monday night volunteer job teaching English to Latinos in San Rafael. Once again I realize how we are here to help one another in order to be truly happy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Marin Machu Pichu

It is so beautiful! The sky is sharp blue, the hills as green as Ireland, and the air as soft as cotton. All is well with the world. Yesterday was much the same, but different because I climbed Marin County's Machu Pichu. Even as my friend and I started up this hill, straight up, I wondered. Casting any doubt aside we started. The rewards were endless--wild flowers nodded at us at each step. We saw sun cups, California poppies, tiny whites we couldn't name, and finally the first blue lupine.  
At the top we turned and had the view of San Francisco right in front of us. How blessed we are to have such beauty right outside our doors. Going down was not as steep but more treacherous because of large rocks and broken rocks. What a glorious time.
With friends we can share so much even the silences that don't need to be filled. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pink Hat

     This morning I walked over to the gym so that I could do a 30minute fast walk on the treadmill. Because I felt in the pink I wore pink, right to the top of my hairless head with a pink baseball hat. Yup! Another connection came about. A cute young woman about 35 or so looked at me and said,"You look so happy and you look so cute. I guess I better get a pink hat." 
     I told her the hat covered my bare head. Her face changed. My reply was, "Don't worry. I am alive and well. Over the years, due to stress they tell me, my hair has fallen out five times only to return each time. This time it doesn't seem to want to return."
     She smiled and said, "Don't you worry. I truly think no hair is sexy. Think of Shnade O'Conner the Irish singer."
     I think I spelled the vocalist's name incorrectly.
     What I'm getting at is the uplifting interchange we had. So many people don't make a move to talk to a stranger and lose so much. Wake up and see people.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Art Of Conversation

What a wonder this life of ours is. Each day brings forth something new to wonder at. Last evening I heard a lecture by the great talk show guy, Charlie Rose. He talked about what he does and in particular the art of conversation, emphasizing how important it is to make a connection. There's that word again--connection. One connects with every word one speaks to another as well as with one's eyes. Now, can we answer why that is important. Why don't you mull that over in your mind for awhile? You have to let your mind go, for sure.

Monday, March 30, 2009


The weekend is over and how wonderful it was. Attending a birthday party for 93 year old Bill Anderson was a real highlight. The guests ran from babes in arms to 93 year olds. There were a few tears shed by me when I began thinking of how long I had known Bill (over 50 years), and how wonderful people are. With the Andersons there is always music and a guitar player originally from Mexico caught my attention. In talking to him his passion for making music came out forcefully. How many of us, I wonder, really go after our passion? How many have really allowed themselves to recognize they do have one. There is where the awakening comes. Connecting with a passion can set one's world on fire. Each day becomes an opportunity for wonderful things to happen. I may have discovered my passion late in life, but how glad I am that I truly found it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Longing To Visit Spain Again

Sometimes something new and creative can be a little scary, but we need to dive in and do it. Creating a blog was something I had never thought of, and here I am writing again. My friend who helped me at first is always at hand to help. Again this reinforces the ideas of connections. Each day seems to bring a new connection. When I arrived home last evening there was a blinking at the telephone telling me I had a message. How wonderful! The person calling said she had just completed my book, FINALLY AWAKE and had to call to tell me how much she enjoyed it. She felt the descriptions of village life were particularly colorful. When I heard that I wanted to race back to Spain for a long visit. How blessed I have been with all my trips to that wonderful country. I want to have everyone love it, too. Maybe that is why the book came about. Awaking the world to what is out there gives me a good feeling.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Connect to Good

It's wonderful when we really begin to think of connections. The other day I received a note in the mail telling me how much the writer had enjoyed my recent book Finally Awake. She said my descriptions of areas in Spain made her want to run for an airplane. She even suggested my next book should simply be on travel. Do all of us approach each day looking for connections? Maybe we should at least establish our connections to the source of all good.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Great Success At Local Library

When you are signed up to give a talk at the local library, sometimes no one shows up. So, it is a great thrill when there is standing room only. It was humbling and exciting last week when not only many of my friends but many new faces appeared for my talk about my books and self-publishing.

One of my favorite comments of the evening was from a woman who said that Finally Awake would be an inspiring read for any age from teenagers up to 90 and beyond. It meant a lot to me because when I watch teenagers today sometimes I wonder. Where do they find spiritual inspiration in their day-to-day life? If my book can open their minds to life's many connections in that realm, that is a wonderful thought to me.

My First Connection

Welcome to my Blog - Awake To Connections. Here I hope to connect with many of you out there in Internet land. I am a published author of two books - Life's Connections and my latest, Finally Awake. 

Blogging is one way to write daily without having to pay for paper and promotion for getting one's thoughts out there. I hope you will visit here often. Feel free to challenge or comment in any way on the thoughts posted here as it will be of much benefit to my writing and our conversation in this connected universe.